I came prepared for the low lighting situation inside, and ended up with some every 'edgy' hard shadow images that are very non-traditional. The walls throughout the building were all very different and even a little creepy in some places.
* The drapes and wall paper from the 50's-60's is still standing! I brought the other items in the photo... I have a good sized collection of random props : ) *
After we had spent a good couple hours inside photographing and exploring the home we moved out for the 'softer' traditional type portraits, still keeping with the vintage look. These were some of my absolute favorites, and by the end of the day they were so relaxed and really started to enjoy themselves and joke around quite a bit. Being relaxed in front of the camera always makes for the best photographs, it just takes some time to get use to it and 'act natural'
.I Love Flowers.
.She's worth the wait.
Listening to this type of music helps me a little to calm the pain and sadness silence of heart music